Party Animals

Our members build friendships through fellowship activities that range from helping others to just having fun!

What does partying have to do with church? The evidence in the New Testament is pretty clear: Jesus spent a lot of time eating and drinking with all sorts, and at some lively events.  We couldn’t leave out this part of doing good, so we have a committee that just plans and carries out good times for good causes. The big Mardi Gras celebration in spring is one of their creations; jazz, jambalaya, and King cake provided at our expense, and a free-will offering completely given to a good cause. (One year it was for a group that pays for music lessons for children in the community.)


Another popular event comes in June, just before the rains begin, when we sponsor Jazz Under the Stars. On a warm evening in our east patio, the Party Animals provide wine and cheese, fruit and cookies, and some wonderful music by local professionals. As the lights twinkle, and the capacity crowd hums along happily, a collection provides dollars for a community project. This evening results in some very tired Party Animals, and over $1500 for the specified project.


If you have some ideas about parties, and are willing to move tables, pour wine, fill ice chests, or bake brownies, you certainly have a place with Party Animals.

We gather. We encounter God’s word. We share a meal at the Lord’s table. And we are sent into the world.

Music has always been an important aspect of worship, and we believe it enhances each person’s spiritual journey.

So I commend enjoyment, for there is nothing better for people under the sun than to eat and drink and enjoy themselves, for this will go with them in their toil through the days of life that God gives them under the sun.

Sunday Service Times