
There is no more lovely, friendly and charming relationship, communion or company than a good marriage.

“Since marriage existed from the beginning of the world and is still found among unbelievers, it cannot possibly be called a sacrament of the New Law and the exclusive possession of the Church. The marriages of the ancients were no less sacred than are ours, nor are those of unbelievers less true marriages than those of believers.”  – Martin Luther, The Babylonian Captivity of the Church (1520)


Lutherans strongly affirm the value and purpose of marriage for the good of human life and society.  And yet we do not believe that it is exclusively and essentially Christian.  In other words, a wedding does not have to take place in a church, nor must it be led by a member of the Christian clergy.


Some Christians seek the blessing of God and the support of their community, and that is why they may ask our pastor to lead their wedding inside our church, or somewhere else.  Our congregation council allows our pastor to perform weddings at his discretion, including same-sex weddings.


Please contact our church office for more details.

Marriage is a gift of God, intended for the joy and mutual strength of those who enter it and for the well-being of the whole human family. God created us and blessed humankind with the gifts of companionship, the capacity to love, and the care and nurture of children. Jesus affirmed the covenant of marriage and revealed God's own self-giving love on the cross. The Holy Spirit helps those who are united in marriage to be living signs of God's grace, love, and faithfulness.


Marriage FAQ 1 Response

Marriage FAQ 2 Response

Marriage FAQ 3 Response

What do I need to do to prepare for marriage?

If you would like to learn more about preparing for marriage or scheduling a wedding at Dove of Peace Lutheran Church, please contact us at 520.887.5127 or email us.

Sunday Service Times